VBS Preliminary Report

This preliminary report is from Pastor Bong Abagon.   The whole VBS is currently undergooing feedback and evaluation.   


Nothing could better explain the results and outcomes of the inter-church Vacation Bible School 2022 hosted by Waipahu Community Christian Church. It has got to be God.   Psalm 127:1 says, "Unless the LORD builds the house, its builders labor in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the watchmen stand guard in vain."  Reports like this can be deceiving because while it signals that something ended, the perception is that there is nothing that follows. This report is the opposite of that.  I believe, that VBS 2022, in the timeline of history, is the foundation of many things to come.   

VBS meets WCCC's 2022 Assessment Goal.   
Early this year WCCC assessed the church and the outcome prescribed that in July -December of 2022, the church focuses on three things:  (1) Vision and Leadership:  We will sharpen and communicate the vision of the church (2) Administration and Organization:  We will examine and execute the organization of the church and prepare, recruit and train God’s people for service;  (3) Discipleship and Equipping:    We will develop groups led by Christlike teachers and mentors for spiritual growth.  

VBS met these three areas to some degree (not really, somewhat, definitely).  

  • Vision Leadership:  Not Really  If there is anything we accomplished on this, is the fulfillment of the mission statement itself, "reach lost soul,..mature believers."  
  • Administration and Organization:  Definitely.   VBS was structured like a church.  There were 6 directors recruited, trained, managed, and resourced their department.   Each director was trained with the core value of Christlikeness attitude, humility, and service.   
  • Discipleship and Equipping:  Definitely.  VBS developed teachers and trained directors.  The students got to hear and were challenged to receive the gospel.  Those that have been saved were challenged to take their next steps, like church attendance and baptism.  

VBS Stats:  
  • 6 day vacation Bible School (5 days instruction; 1 day graduation / connection)
  • 6 directors (admin, logistics, tech, preschool & Kin, Youth and Adults, Centers)
  • 65 volunteers with an average attendance of 58
  • 8 lead teachers
  • 77 registered students with an average attendance of 63
  • 7 baptisms
  • 9 salvations



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